Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall and Festivals

Fall is such a fleeting season. Only a few days ago the box elder tree was a glorious sight to behold; today its leaves have practically deserted it and bare branches are waving in the wind.

The time seemed to go equally as fast this week-end at the South Dakota Festival of Books. The South Dakota Humanities Council had a full roster of presenters and  those who attended seemed well satisfied. The exhibitors had use of the Falls room at the Holiday Inn, and we were well satisfied with the crowds. A big thank-you to all the organizers----you did a great job!

It was a book lover's paradise. Booths of books of every shape, color, genre, and price---and authors ranging from young to old---men and women--- we had the kinship of sharing writing experiences.

I bought a book for Justin. Both he and I had uncles who served in the Korean War, and Merry Helm has put together a fascinating book called Prairie Boys at War---this is the first of three volumes about the Korean War and those who fought in it. For more information about this book and M.M. Helm, go to www.PrairieBoyBooks.com  My non-reading husband is already on chapter five.

I bought other books also----and wished I could have bought from every vender! They all looked so interesting. And---I sold books, which was the main purpose in going, and came home with less books, and more friends. Now that's a wonderful trade-off!

When we got home, the granddaughters told us they saw a goat along the creek. We don't raise the little buggers, and we didn't know of any neighbors who did, but  finally figured out where a goat herd was located, and it was at least 10 miles away. At any rate, grandson Kyle came after supper and said he needed a little help. He had roped the critter,  tied him up, and needed some more hands to get it to the barn. Bud the dog, Justin and I and Kyle all piled on the four-wheeler, and in short order, the little brown goat had bleated and bunted his way to the barn. Another new experience :)

I hope you're enjoying the beauty of fall, and getting ready for the freshness of winter. There's a nip in the air, and it makes me want to curl up in the green chair with a good book and a cup of coffee.

Have a good and Godly day!


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